Recipe: Delicious Roasted Asparagus

Roasted Asparagus.

Roasted Asparagus You can have Roasted Asparagus using 3 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Roasted Asparagus

  1. Prepare of asparagus.
  2. It's of spray areosol oil.
  3. It's of garlic salt.

Roasted Asparagus step by step

  1. Preheat oven to 350..
  2. Trim asparagus..
  3. Place asparagus on sheet pan..
  4. Spray with oil..
  5. Grind garlic salt over asparagus..
  6. Place sheet pan in oven..
  7. Bake asparagus 10-15 minutes or until fragrant..
  8. Serve with a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese if desired..

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