How to Cook Tasty My lovely Toasted Sandwich 💜

My lovely Toasted Sandwich 💜.

My lovely Toasted Sandwich 💜 You can cook My lovely Toasted Sandwich 💜 using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of My lovely Toasted Sandwich 💜

  1. It's of Back bacon.
  2. It's of Stems of Asparagus.
  3. Prepare of An Avocado sliced.
  4. Prepare of Philadelphia soft Cheese.
  5. Prepare of seeded Bread Toasted.
  6. You need of little salt.
  7. Prepare of little black pepper.
  8. It's of Butter.

My lovely Toasted Sandwich 💜 instructions

  1. Add the bacon to the grill, then melt the butter and add the Asparagus and sliced Avocado fry gently in butter..
  2. Add the bread to the toaster when it's done butter both pieces on one spread the Philadelphia cheese on one..
  3. When the food is ready. Add the bacon on the buttered toast, next add the Avocado then cut Asparagus to fit and lay them on top of the Avocado add a little salt and black pepper. Add the top and cut in half. Add sauce if you like..

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